We are ZOOZ

We envision a world where range anxiety belongs to the past. Drivers should be able to embark on long journeys without the nagging fear of running out of power.

How All This Is Going To Happen?

ZOOZ Power Ltd (TASE: ZOOZ) is a global innovator and is the first in the market to introduce a kinetic power booster based on the flywheel technology. Meet the ZOOZTER™-100 – battery-free Power Booster that enables ultra-fast EV charging, while overcoming grid limitations. The ZOOZTER™-100 coexists along with the grid and acts as a power booster and stabilizing asset, reducing load during peak hours and contributing to the overall resilience of the energy ecosystem.

We help charge point operators, fleet operators, EPC companies and others to accelerate the roll-out of ultra-fast charging infrastructure anywhere and generate more revenues, with better service to their EV-driving customers.

We are committed to a sustainable future and to do so. Our ZOOZTER™-100 reduces the carbon footprint of EV charging. Our technology is a pioneer in harnessing renewable energy sources, recycling materials, and minimizing waste, all while driving the EV industry forward.

ZOOZTER™-100 is deployed and serves leading companies in Europe and the USA


Here are some of the key milestones that shaped the company we are today:


ZOOZ Power (previously named Chakratec) was established by three Co-Founders: Ilan Ben David, David Pincu and Nir Zohar who shared a bold vision to develop a breakthrough technology in the EV charging sector.


ZOOZ introduced its first-generation product as proof of concept, the KPB50, by installing it at Vienna airport. This installation showcased and proved the technology’s capabilities.


ZOOZ completes an initial public offering on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE)


ZOOZ announces first orders of its 2nd-gen product – the Kinetic Power Booster (ZOOZTER™-100), and for finalizing of contracts for the construction and operation of two EV fast-charging stations in several sites in Germany.


Chakratec changes its name to ZOOZ Power (TASE: ZOOZ), as part of its rapid growth and global expansion


ZOOZ Power introduces first sites in the US, where fast-charging for EVs is supported by the ZOOZTER™-100, at a Scotchman gas station and convenience store, operated by a subsidiary of ARKO Corp., in Rock Hill, South Carolina, and with a large car rental company in La Guardia Airport in New York.


ZOOZ has signed a binding agreement for a merger with a SPAC on the NASDAQ stock exchange


ZOOZ is publicly listed on NASDAQ (Symbol: ZOOZ)

Our Values


We continually seek to advance with new technologies which enable us to remain competitive in an ever-evolving business landscape.


We are unwavering in our commitment to consistently supplying our clients with the absolute best product, ensuring their satisfaction and trust in our brand.


Our sustainable practices extend to every aspect of our business, from reducing our carbon footprint to ensuring responsible sourcing. We understand that our actions today impact the world of tomorrow, and we strive to make those impacts positive.


We believe that every product and service should reflect the highest standard of excellence. Our customers receive products that are reliable, safe, and built to last.

Profitability or sustainability?

Profitability or sustainability?

With our innovative kinetic power booster, the answer is both.

You don’t have to choose. You don’t need to compromise. That’s because our patented flywheel technology empowers you to overcome existing grid limitations and roll out ultra-fast EV charging stations anywhere, in a way that’s exceptionally cost effective and sustainable.

And just in case you’re wondering, we’ve been around since 2013 (formerly known as Chakratec), and have set up our headquarters in Lod, Israel. We’re proud to support leading energy, automotive, and real estate companies around the world in rolling out first-of-their-kind kinetic-powered EV charging stations.
We’re public. We’re traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE: ZOOZ), And we’re here to do good for business and the planet.

Together we will eliminate range anxiety and accelerate the mass adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.

It’s time for ultra-fast and ultra-green. It’s time to ZOOZ!


ZOOZ Power is committed to the highest standards of safety and our commitment to excellence is underscored by a series of rigorous certifications that validate the reliability and performance of our product.

The leadership team

Want to learn more?

Request a consultation with our charging specialists today.